Southampton professor calls for harder choices to be made on climate change adaptation
Uncertainty about how much the climate is changing is not a reason to delay preparing for the harmful impacts of climate change says Professor Robert Nicholls of the University of Southampton and colleagues at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, writing today in Nature Climate Change.

An Ascendant Asia-Pacific: International Higher Education in the 21st Century
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will host the 8th Annual Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Conference and Exhibition during 11 – 14 March 2013 at the AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong.

Praise for York project to encourage tuberculosis patients to quit smoking
The BUPA Foundation has awarded a high commendation prize for research led by the University of York into effective ways of helping tuberculosis patients in Pakistan to give up smoking.

Unlocking ancient rice secrets to overcome rainfall extremes
Researchers from the UK, USA and India, led by scientists at the University of York, are embarking on a major four-year project which aims to develop new strains of rice to help to feed millions of people.

Scientists pioneer method to predict environmental collapse
Scientists at the University of Southampton are pioneering a technique to predict when an ecosystem is likely to collapse, which may also have potential for foretelling crises in agriculture, fisheries or even social systems.

New dating of sea-level records reveals rapid response between ice volume and polar temperature
An international team of scientists, led by Eelco Rohling, Professor of Ocean and Climate Change at the University of Southampton, has developed a new method of dating the RSL record by using Mediterranean data from radiometric (Uranium-series) dating of cave deposits.

University of Bergen awarded three new Centres of Excellence for research
The University of Bergen, Norway, has been awarded three new Centres of Excellence by the Research Council of Norway.

Southampton to help develop new crops for water-stressed environments
The University of Southampton is to lead a new €11.6 million EU funded research project to develop new drought tolerate crops for bioenergy and bio-products.

Brazilian trailblazers take up their places at University of York
The University of York has welcomed its first students from Brazil under the Science without Borders scheme.

University of York’s green chemistry alliance with Korea takes off
Scientists from the University of York and Korea will gather in York this week for a conference that will showcase ways of advancing green chemical technology.

Protected areas in East Africa may not be conserving iconic plants
A new study led by researchers from the University of York suggests protected areas in East Africa are not conserving plants such as the iconic Acacia tree.

University of Southamtpon: Clues that could lead to a universal flu jab honoured
A study which has found a way to develop a universal vaccine for influenza, one that gives people immunity against all strains of the disease, has been recognised by the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and gained its lead researcher a prestigious award.

The Great Game of Today
The following op-ed piece was written by Professor John Hearn, Chief Executive of the Worldwide Universities Network and appeared in the Australian Financial Review on 5 November 2012. The opinions presented are his own.
Churchill was right when he predicted that the empires of the future would be empires of the mind. Around the world, universities with international ambitions are engaged in a furious scramble for resources, alliances and manpower that evokes the imperial conflicts of the nineteenth century in the era of the Great Game.

University of Southampton physiotherapist gains top medical research award
Dr Anne Bruton, an expert in respiratory rehabilitation at the University of Southampton, has become the first Physiotherapist in the UK to receive a National Institute for Health Research Senior Research Fellowship Award.