Occasional family meals boost kids’ fruit and veg intake
Eating meals together as a family, even if only twice a week, boosts children’s daily fruit and vegetable intake to near the recommended 5 A Day, according to researchers at the University of Leeds.

Leeds joins partners in offering free online access to education
Students from the UK and around the world will soon have free access to new online education resources generated by the University of Leeds and its partners.

WUN supporting global research collaboration
The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) announced today the outcomes of its 2012 Research Development Fund (RDF), investing £239,000 directly into international research collaboration that addresses issues of global concern.

Southampton astronomers help discover gorging black hole in Andromeda
Southampton astronomers have been involved in the discovery of a black hole on a massive binge in our nearest neighbour galaxy, Andromeda, which has revealed a new side to the mysterious class of “ultraluminous X-ray sources”.

Improving energy efficiency in your home – find out how to reduce your bills
Households are being encouraged to take part in a new project by the University of Southampton to help reduce their energy bills.

Commonly prescribed antibiotics ineffective for treating uncomplicated chest infections
The findings are from the largest randomised placebo controlled trial of antibiotics for acute uncomplicated LRTI to date, which was led by the University of Southampton and published Online First in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Coral researcher from Southamtpon recognised with prestigious award
Research by a scientist from the University of Southampton into a process that is threatening to wipe out coral reefs has been recognised with a prestigious award worth 1.29 million euros.

Professor Michael Arthur to take up new role as President and Provost of UCL
Professor Michael Arthur, currently Vice Chancellor of the University of Leeds and former Chair of the Worldwide Universities Network, was confirmed on 10 December as the new President and Provost of University College London (UCL). He will succeed Professor Malcolm Grant, who has led UCL since 2003 and who will be stepping down in September 2013.

Our universities must speak English
The following article was written by Associate Professor Leandro Tessler, internationalisaton adviser to the Rector of the State University of Campinas, Brazil and member of the WUN Academic Advisory Group. It appeared in the Folha de São Paulo on 25 November 2012.

Researchers investigate impacts of climate change on rare tropical plants
Research led by the University of York has found that the impacts of climate change on rare plants in tropical mountains will vary considerably from site to site and from species to species.

Removing sea defences may reduce impact of coastal flooding
A study involving a scientist from the University of Southampton, which shows that ensuring continued flood protection for low lying coastal areas may mean sacrificing cliff top communities to the sea, has won the <font color