Healthy planet, healthy people
An international WUN workshop to be hosted by the University of Sydney next week will investigate the common ground between two of the biggest challenges facing the modern world – improving global health and reducing the impact of climate change.

Giant tortoises show rewilding can work
Exotic species can be used to restore important functions in ecosystems that were lost following the extinction of key species, according to a new study of giant tortoises on a small island in the Indian Ocean.

Decoding human genes is the goal of a new open-source encyclopedia
A massive database cataloging the human genome’s functional elements — including genes, RNA transcripts and other products — is being made available as an open resource to the scientific community, classrooms, science writers and the public, thanks to an international team of researchers.

New shapes in granular movement
University of Sydney researchers have discovered new patterns in the movement of granular mixtures with findings that could assist the study of oil and gas recovery and CO2 geo-sequestratrion.

Worm Studies Shed Light on Human Cancers
Research in the worm is shedding light on a protein associated with a number of different human cancers, and may point to a highly targeted way to treat them.

Climate ‘detectives’ use clues from the past to predict future weather changes
Drilling holes in trees across Australia and taking core samples from reefs at Ningaloo are two techniques being used to determine the extent of climate change in coming decades.

Habitat restoration could help species to cope with climate change
Animals and plants may need extra habitats to survive the challenge of climate change, according to research by scientists at the University of York.

Ground-breaking discoveries on language evolution
Psychologists from The University of Auckland have just published two major studies on the diversity of the world’s languages in the prestigious journals Science and Nature.

New treatment can destroy prostate cancer from within
A ‘Trojan horse’ system developed by researchers at the Universities of Sheffield and York attacks cancerous cells from within and potentially offers a safer treatment for prostate tumours.

West Antarctic warming triggered by warmer sea surface in tropical Pacific
The Antarctic Peninsula has warmed rapidly for the last half-century or more, and recent studies have shown that an adjacent area, continental West Antarctica, has steadily warmed for at least 30 years, but scientists haven’t been sure why.