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Jul 16, 2016

CUHK Recommends Best Practices and Strategies for Low-carbon Urban Transport System

The Institute of Future Cities at CUHK has conducted a comprehensive research on low-carbon transport practices and policies with the objective of f...
Jun 26, 2016

“Keep calm, collaborate and try to ignore the borders.”

Professor Dr Martin Paul reflects on the consequences of Brexit for higher education. ...
May 23, 2016

CUHK to Chair the Worldwide Universities Network

Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, recently took the helm of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) as Chair of its Par...
May 20, 2016

Global innovation networks: The anatomy of change

Higher education and research are no longer privileged pursuits pursued by high priests in isolated ivory towers. That history and stereotype, itself...
May 18, 2016

A Triumvirate from Three Continents: CUHK partners with University of Toronto and Utrecht University

CUHK forms tri-continental partnership with the University of Toronto and Utrecht University for innovative solutions on urban issues ...
Apr 28, 2016

Dinosaur families chose to exit Europe

Researchers have used ‘network theory’ for the first time to visually depict the movement of dinosaurs around the world during the Mesozoic Era â...
Apr 27, 2016

Animals’ role in mitigating climate change varies across forests

Large animals play a key role in mitigating climate change in tropical forests by spreading the seeds of large trees that have a high capacity to sto...
Apr 19, 2016

UWA Professor named FAO Special Ambassador for Pulses

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has designated The University of Western Australia’s Agriculture Chair, Hackett Professor...
Apr 14, 2016

Bridging Policy and Academia at the Sixth Annual Presidents Forum

On 7 April, WUN Presidents, as well as distinguished representatives from the European Parliament, European Commission, European Research Council and...