Filter News Articles

Nov 09, 2010

Shark Eye Research Gives Insight Into Ocean Health

New research on how sharks see may help explain the relationship between other aquatic life and their environments and provide a benchmark for the hea...
Nov 09, 2010

Study Reveals How Plants Solve Problems

A new study by researchers at The University of Western Australia has provided a unique insight into how the same protein plays different roles in pla...
Nov 02, 2010

Language intervention provides educational benefits for pre-school children

A pre-school language intervention programme can significantly improve the educational lives of children with poorly developed speech and language ski...
Sep 17, 2010

International workshop considers human impact of global change

Researchers from across the world will come together at the University of Bristol to discuss past, present and future changes in sea levels and ice sh...
Aug 02, 2010

China in 2020

A major WUN workshop looks at the development of China in the second decade of the 'Chinese Century'...
Jul 29, 2010

International history postgraduate students gather in Sydney

The 3rd International History Postgraduate Intensive, hosted by the University of Sydney, has brought postgraduate research students from WUN universi...
Jul 29, 2010

Sydney announced as host of WUN Spintronics 2011

After hosting a successful spintronics symposium at the Shanghai Expo, the University of Sydney has been chosen as the venue for the 2011 Worldwide Un...
Jun 18, 2010

University of Auckland joins the Worldwide Universities Network

The University of Auckland has become the only New Zealand member of the Worldwide Universities Network, a network of leading universities focused on ...
Jun 09, 2010

Centre to Study Our Unique Environment

A new $63 million Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre based at The University of Western Australia will boost marine science capacity in Australia, ac...