Oct 08, 2015
CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing Holds Launch Conference on ‘Creating Age-Friendly Community’
The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Ageing held a Launch Conference on ‘Creating Age-Friendly Communities’ on 8 October...

Oct 05, 2015
Unlocking the secrets of consumer behaviour
The Consumer Data Research Centre (CDRC) launched its data services on Thursday 1 October, offering new data for researchers to garner unprecedented ...

Oct 02, 2015
If you’re sitting down, don’t sit still, new research suggests
New research suggests that the movements involved in fidgeting may counteract the adverse health impacts of sitting for long periods. In a study pub...

Oct 02, 2015
Swinging on ‘monkey bars’: motor proteins caught in the act
The first images of motor proteins in action were published in the journal Nature Communications on Monday 14 September 2015. These proteins are vit...

Oct 02, 2015
Icelandic volcano’s toxic gas is treble that of Europe’s industry
A huge volcanic eruption in Iceland emitted on average three times as much of a toxic gas as all European industry combined, a study led by the Unive...

Sep 22, 2015
WUN members Sheffield and Zhejiang sign Memorandum of Understanding
A pioneering partnership has been signed between the University of Sheffield and Zhejiang University as part of ongoing commitments to work collabora...

Sep 20, 2015
WUN Universities Use MOOCs to Expand Global Reach
The higher education sector is rapidly evolving as a result of new technologies and globalisation. WUN universities continue to innovate, using th...

Sep 12, 2015
New Australian Advisory Group for Australia Africa Relations (AGAAR)
The Foreign Minister of Australia, the Hon Julie Bishop launched the new AGAAR on Friday 4thSeptember. She stated that the group would advise her and...

Sep 10, 2015
WUN announces new Chair of GHEAR Global Challenge
Professor John Hearn, Executive Director of WUN, today announced the appointment of Professor Joe Berger as the new Chair of the Global Higher Edu...