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Dec 13, 2017

CUHK Develops First English-taught Chinese Medicine MOOC

A team from the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK has developed a Chinese medicine MOOC in English and Asia’s first Chinese medicine clinical evidence on...
Dec 12, 2017

CUHK Launches the World’s First Child Heritage Chinese Language Corpus

CUHK announces the launch of the world’s first Child Heritage Chinese Language Corpus and the establishment of the University of Cambridge–CUHK J...
Dec 06, 2017

WUN researcher to address International Forum on Migration Data Statistics

WUN researcher to address International Forum on Migration Data Statistics in Paris ...
Dec 01, 2017

SDG Conference Bergen Knowledge for Our Common Future

WUN member The University of Bergen is organising a major conference on the role of Norwegian universities in relation to the United Nations Sustai...
Nov 29, 2017

CUHK Establishes Joint Lab with ETH Zurich and DGIST

The CUHK-DGIST-ETH Zurich Joint Research Laboratory on Innovative Nanotechnology for Medicine and Healthcare was recently formed to promote the R&am...
Nov 27, 2017

WUN members Maastricht and York join forces in major partnership

WUN members Maastricht and York have agreed a major partnership in which they will establish joint research projects, teaching collaborations, knowle...
Nov 02, 2017

International monitoring of SDG implementation and progress

The UNESCO Institute of Statistics ...
Oct 13, 2017

Impacts of climate change and ozone air pollution on crop production

Major findings WUN Responding to Climate Change research group published in science journal Atmospheric Environment. ...
Oct 12, 2017

WUN Conference and AGM 2018

The next WUN Conference & AGM will be held in Perth, Australia from 20 to 25 May 2018.  ...