Jun 09, 2010
UWA Vice-Chancellor to Head Worldwide Network
The University of Western Australia's Vice-Chancellor Professor Alan Robson has been appointed Chair of the Worldwide Universities Network
(WUN) board...

May 13, 2010
WUN eJournal explores our colonial past
Ex Plus Ultra, the eJournal of the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) International Network in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, is now available...

Apr 20, 2010
WUN student forum provides input into Australian government policy
Students from WUN partner universities around the world came together in early April to put their entrepreneurial skills to the test at the inaugura...

Mar 31, 2010
Inaugural Forum Stimulates Young Entrepreneurs
Students from WUN universities around the world will look at how the growth of e-publishing is creating business challenges and opportunities as pa...

Mar 31, 2010
Move Over, Easter Bunny!
Microscopy technology at The University of Western Australia that enabled an international team of researchers to locate ancient DNA in fossilised egg...

Mar 22, 2010
3rd International Conference on Spintronics Materials and Technology
Registration is now open for WUNSPIN10 - the third WUN International Conference on “Spintronic Materials and Technology” – which will take pla...

Mar 08, 2010
University leads the way in vital global soil research
Experts from Europe, USA and China, have established networks of field research stations to study the valuable services that soils provide to humanity...

Mar 04, 2010
Researchers discover gene that affects susceptibility to tuberculosis and clues to how it works
The gene appears to orchestrate pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses. When these are in correct balance, the body can fight the TB pathoge...

Mar 03, 2010
Landscape art and the urbanisation of the United States
The relationship between the urbanisation of the United States in the mid to late 19th Century and the landscape art of the period is the focus of res...