Jan 29, 2018

Using digital technology to preserve Holocaust memory and places

Digital technologies enable the creation of personal connection with Holocaust survivors.

Jan 26, 2018

Renmin University of China (RUC) – the Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) Think Tank Conference

On 24th March 2018, the RUC-WUN Think Tank Summit will be held on the campus of Renmin University. Springtime Beijing and Renmin University of China welcome experts and colleagues from WUN partner universities.

Jan 19, 2018

ECR Scholarship Opportunity for participation in WUN Public Health Workshop Perth WA May 2018

Scholarship Opportunity for early career researchers to participate in WUN academic workshop Promoting Adaptability across the Life Course held in Perth on 21-22 May 2018.

Jan 08, 2018

SDSN Hong Kong Launched at CUHK

CUHK and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust join hands to co-host the Hong Kong chapter of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.