Feb 10, 2021

WUN special program for early career researchers off to successful start with focus on SDGs 4 and 13

WUN recently held the first set networking workshops as part of its special program for early career researcher (ECR) entitled “Developing the next generation of research leaders for sustainable development.” The first two, of which there will be 17 in total, focused on SDG 13: Climate Action, and SDG 4: Quality Education, respectively. Click through for a summary and videos of the keynote talks.

Nov 04, 2020

Lift-off for WUN’s early career researcher networking series

Why do we have the Sustainable Development Goals and why are university collaborations essential in making progress on them? Hear from Peter Lennie, WUN Executive Director, and special guest Jeffrey Sachs, President of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, as they launch a new WUN networking initiative for early-career researchers working on the world’s biggest challenges.  

Sep 23, 2020

International Development Program for Early Career Researchers

WUN, in collaboration with UNESCO and the UNSDSN, will hold a series of free virtual networking workshops for early career researchers under the theme of ‘developing the next generation of research leaders for sustainable development’. The workshops will bring together early career researchers from all around the world interested in establishing connections to colleagues in their field.

Click through to learn more about this exciting program and to register for the inaugrural event.