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Dec 12, 2011

The University of Rochester joins WUN

The University of Rochester has joined the Worldwide Universities Network.  Founded in 1850, Rochester is one of the smallest of the country...
Dec 09, 2011

University of York announces new partnership with the US National Library of Medicine

A new partnership between the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York and PubMed Health at the US National Library of Med...
Nov 28, 2011

UWA hosts Indigenous Business and Entrepreneurship Conference

  © 2011 Bambatu Napangardi licensed under Aboriginal Artists Agency Painting image photographed by Visual Arts Photographer Sabine Haider, Cen...
Nov 14, 2011

Multi-million funding for centre for medieval European literature

A proposed new centre for the study of medieval European literature based in York and Odense is set to become a reality thanks to an award of nearly Â...
Nov 07, 2011

Ancient DNA provides new insights into cave paintings of horses

An international team of researchers has used ancient DNA to shed new light on the realism of horses depicted in prehistoric cave paintings....
Nov 04, 2011

First Jiangning scholars settle in at the University of York

The University of York has welcomed it first two scholars sponsored by a new foundation to promote cultural links between the UK and China. ...
Oct 21, 2011

York filmmaker helps to expose modern day slavery

A University of York academic has played a key role in the production of a hard-hitting television series on modern day slavery now showing on Al Jaze...
Oct 20, 2011

Researchers trace evolution of diversity in Hawaiian Honeycreepers

An international team of scientists has determined the evolutionary family tree for one of the most strikingly diverse and endangered bird families in...
Oct 17, 2011

WUN expands its global reach into Hong Kong

The Worldwide Universities Network has been joined by one of the leading universities in Asia, with the signing of the Chinese University of Hong Kon...