Filter News Articles

Nov 28, 2013

New generation of climate models capable of simulating abrupt climate change

Scientists have, for the first time, demonstrated that climate models are able to simulate past abrupt changes in the Earth’s climate – giving mor...
Nov 27, 2013

World population mapping helps combat poverty and poor health

A team of researchers led by the University of Southampton has launched an online project to map detailed population information from countries around...
Nov 27, 2013

What health impacts will result from even greater urbanisation in China?

At the third plenum held earlier this month, the Chinese government announced reforms to further drive urbanisation in China. After already experienci...
Nov 20, 2013

Introducing solid foods while continuing to breast feed could prevent child allergies

Introducing solid food with breast milk after the 17th week of birth could reduce food allergies in babies, according to University of Southampton res...
Nov 15, 2013

Rising concerns over tree pests and diseases

New research has found that the number of pests and disease outbreaks in trees and forests across the world has been increasing. ...
Nov 12, 2013

Southampton environmental research wins prestigious CIWM Professional Award

Three University of Southampton academics have won a prestigious environmental award at the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) Professi...
Nov 11, 2013

University of Leeds to train next generation of environmental scientists

The University of Leeds is spearheading the drive to recruit the next generation of environmental scientists. ...
Nov 11, 2013

New research identifies why young adults return to the parental home

Researchers from the ESRC Centre for Population Change (CPC) at the University of Southampton have identified key ‘turning-points’ in young adults...
Nov 06, 2013

Using Lego-like DNA to create simple and low cost drug discovery and diagnostic tools

Scientists at the University of Southampton have helped to develop artificial membrane pores, using Lego-like DNA building blocks, which could provide...