WUN Workshop “Smart Biosolar Microgrids for Sustainable Communities”
Photo by Biel Morro on Unsplash The WUN research consortium ‘Smart biosolar microgrids for sustainable communities’ held its first workshop from 25-29 July at the University of Ghana in Accra,

Workshop – Design & Development of appropriate MedTech products in West and East Africa
The WUN research consortium The design and development of appropriate MedTech products for in-country use: a regional comparison of West and East Africa invites you to their workshop “The Design

Equity and the financial costs of informal caregiving in palliative care: a critical debate
The WUN-supported research collaboration ” The economic costs of family caregiving within a palliative care context” responded to an issue the World Health Organisation has identified as one of the

From agency to root causes: addressing structural barriers to transformative justice in transitional and post-conflict settings
Photo by Clay Banks via UnSplash Transformative justice has emerged as a new practice agenda for addressing structural and systemic violence in post-conflict and post-authoritarian societies. The Transformative Justice Network

The New African Urban University (NAUU) workshop synthesis report
The WUN research consortium “The New African Urban University: Building partnerships to realise the promise and potential of sustainable urban transformations” has published “The New African Urban University workshop synthesis