Protecting fish from river development
Research at the University of Southampton is protecting fish that inhabit rivers and estuaries impacted by dams and power plants.

Mobilising Solutions to Global Development Challenges
The Sustainability Science at Southampton will be hosting an evening seminar on the UN World Development and Information Day titled ‘Mobilising Solutions to Global Development Challenges’, 24th October, 5.30-7.30pm.

A new take on the Midas touch – changing the colour of gold
A University of Southampton team have discovered that by embossing tiny raised or indented patterns onto the metal’s surface, they can change the way it absorbs and reflects light – ensuring our eyes don’t see it as ‘golden’ in colour at all.

Enactus Southampton reach semi-final in worldwide competition
The University of Southampton Enactus team (formerly known as SIFE, Students in Free Enterprise) has reached the semi-final of the Enactus World Cup. Students from Southampton represented the UK in the international competition for business leaders of the future, for the second year running.

York Exhibition explores history and lessons of smallpox eradication
A multimedia exhibition at the University of York will chart the eradication of smallpox – widely regarded as the greatest triumph of global public health in the 20th century.

New study to combat the most common form of liver cancer
Scientists at the University of Southampton are to investigate the best way to use natural killer cells (NK) to target the most common form of liver cancer.

York law students lend a helping hand abroad
University of York law students are offering free legal advice to local communities in the United States, Canada, India, El Salvador and South Africa.

Brain gain is a hot issue in a continent still learning to learn
Written by Professor John Hearn, Chief executive of the Worldwide Universities Network and Chairman of the Australia Africa Universities Network. Originally published on 10 October 2012 in The Australian.
I am standing near the southern tip of Africa with the great mass of Table Mountain at my back. To the north, the sub-Saharan Africa stretches into the distance.

Superheroes needed to tackle public health challenges
Public health ‘superheroes’ are needed to help tackle the growing challenges posed by obesity, alcohol, smoking and other public health threats, according to new research from the University of Leeds.

University of Southampton improves across the board as National Student Survey results are released
The University of Southampton has improved in all 22 areas of the latest National Student Survey (NSS) results, published today (Thursday 27 September).
In particular, Southampton has received 100 per cent satisfaction ratings in four subject areas: Ocean and Earth Sciences (Geology), Modern Languages (French), Modern Languages (German) and Ship Science.