Sydney rates well above world standards in ERA evaluation
The University of Sydney has been rated at or above world standard in all 24 of the broad discipline areas in which it was rated in the 2010 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) evaluation program.

WUN Research Development Fund 2010-2011
The WUN announces the results of its fund for research development.

Rebuilding Higher Education in post-conflict Iraq
The University of York’s Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit (PRDU), in partnership with the Institute for International Education (IIE) based in Washington DC, is to host a major international conference on the reconstruction of Higher Education in Iraq.

Ocean scientists to investigate humpback whales’ Kimberley nursery
Researchers from the Oceans Institute within The University of Western Australia and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) are to embark on a three-week field trip to one of WA’s most remote regions to investigate ocean circulation and its influence on the ecology of Camden Sound in the Kimberley.

Medical training in critical condition
By Professor Bruce Robinson. First published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
In my office recently I saw a patient with a large pituitary tumour. It was causing multiple symptoms, including partial blindness. The patient didn’t require surgery; his condition can be managed with medication and he will be cared for entirely as an outpatient.

The Battle of the Sexes
Scientists have uncovered a rare insight into a war between genes to control the sex of a plant.

New Life for Old Coal
Researchers at the University of Leeds are exploring a greener, safer and cheaper way of using coal from deep underground seams as an energy source.