Jul 15, 2011
Forests absorb one-third of global fossil fuel emissions
The world’s established forests remove 8.8bn tonnes of CO2 per year from the atmosphere – equivalent to nearly a third of annual fossil fuel emiss...

Jul 13, 2011
Atomic structure discovered for a sodium channel that generates electrical signals in living cells
Scientists at the University of Washington in Seattle have determined the atomic architecture of a sodium channel. The achievement opens new possibili...

Jul 13, 2011
Pivotal UW study in Africa finds HIV medications prevent HIV infection
A pivotal study in Africa conducted by the UW's Clinical Research Center is bringing new hope that taking a daily AIDS drug can keep an uninfected per...

Jul 10, 2011
Genetic study sheds new light on auto-immune arthritis
Researchers are one step closer to understanding how an individual’s genetic make-up predisposes them to Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS), a common auto-...

Jul 07, 2011
Coetzee Collective: Into the Archive
Report on the one-day symposium "Into the Archive: J.M. Coetzee and his Precursors" which took place on Tuesday 28 June 2011 at the University of Leed...

Jul 07, 2011
Gold nanoparticles bring scientists closer to a treatment for cancer
Scientists at the University of Southampton have developed smart nanomaterials, which can disrupt the blood supply to cancerous tumours....

Jul 07, 2011
Arctic science goes tropical
Climate change in Asia is the latest focus area for researchers at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research....

Jul 06, 2011
Higher daily dose of Aspirin could play key role in preventing heart attacks for those with diabetes
In some cases, an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but for people with diabetes, regular, over-the-counter Aspirin may also do the job....

Jul 05, 2011
Clues on antipsychotic drugs side effects offer hope
Weight-gain and diabetes-like symptoms are common side effects of antipsychotic medications, and New Zealand research into the chemical changes involv...