Jul 07, 2011
Gold nanoparticles bring scientists closer to a treatment for cancer
Scientists at the University of Southampton have developed smart nanomaterials, which can disrupt the blood supply to cancerous tumours....
Jul 07, 2011
Arctic science goes tropical
Climate change in Asia is the latest focus area for researchers at the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research....
Jul 06, 2011
Higher daily dose of Aspirin could play key role in preventing heart attacks for those with diabetes
In some cases, an apple a day may keep the doctor away, but for people with diabetes, regular, over-the-counter Aspirin may also do the job....
Jul 05, 2011
Clues on antipsychotic drugs side effects offer hope
Weight-gain and diabetes-like symptoms are common side effects of antipsychotic medications, and New Zealand research into the chemical changes involv...
Jul 05, 2011
The worm that turned
A University of Leeds researcher has drawn inspiration from biology to build a giant robotic worm that can wiggle its way around obstacles....
Jul 01, 2011
Culture influences people’s response to climate change
How people choose to consume resources and use contraception influences their responses to climate change, according to a team of psychologists....
Jun 30, 2011
Click chemistry creates new ‘stealth’ DNA links
Scientists at the University of Southampton have pioneered a chemical method of linking DNA strands that is tolerated by living organisms....
Jun 29, 2011
Studying solar wind
An international team of scientists, including Dr Chris Coath from the University of Bristol, have measured oxygen isotopes in solar wind, captured by...
Jun 28, 2011
Will new drugs block hepatitis C virus in its tracks?
Targeted multi-drug treatments for hepatitis C patients that could stop the virus in its tracks have come a step closer, thanks to researchers at the ...