Jul 31, 2013
Career Opportunity – WUN Business Development Manager
WUN is seeking a Business Development Manager to take on responsibility for the development and funding of the research programs of WUN....

Jul 11, 2013
New hope in the fight against childhood cancer
Cancer Research UK scientists at the University of Southampton are seeing positive results in a pre-clinical trial that could bring treatments for a p...

Jul 09, 2013
5D ‘Superman memory’ crystal could lead to unlimited lifetime data storage
Using nanostructured glass, scientists at the University of Southampton have, for the first time, experimentally demonstrated the recording and retrie...

Jul 08, 2013
Southampton engineers develop novel method to increase lifespan of joint replacements
Researchers at the University of Southampton have completed a project that will enable surgeons to fit joint replacements with longer, optimised lifes...

Jun 28, 2013
Southampton archaeologist helps sequence 700,000 year old horse genome
Leading an international team, including University of Southampton archaeologist Dr Jacobo Weinstock, the Copenhagen researchers have sequenced and an...

Jun 24, 2013
Maastricht University enters top 10 of the Times Higher Ed’s prestigious Top 100 Under 50 ranking
Maastricht University has made it into the top 10 of the Times Higher Education 100 Under 50 Ranking....

Jun 24, 2013
Maastricht University recognised as a leader in internationalisation

Jun 21, 2013
Professor Eric Thomas honoured with knighthood
University of Bristol Vice-Chancellor and member of the WUN Partnership Board, Professor Eric Thomas, was appointed Knights Bachelor in the 2013 WUK Q...

Jun 21, 2013
Southampton scientist supports engaging new resource to help people learn about dementia research
A Southampton scientist has worked with Alzheimer’s Research UK, the UK’s leading dementia research charity, to create the first ever virtual lab ...