May 18, 2011
High pregnancy weight gain can lead to long-term obesity
Gaining more than the recommended weight during pregnancy can put women at increased risk of becoming obese and developing related health problems, in...

May 18, 2011
Expert discovers simple method of dealing with harmful radioactive iodine
A novel way to immobilise radioactive forms of iodine using a microwave, has been discovered by an expert at the University of Sheffield.

May 17, 2011
Life gets a little older
A University of Alberta-led research team has discovered that billions of years before life evolved in the oceans, thin layers of microbial matter in ...

May 17, 2011
University of Alberta researchers take first step in understanding the immunity of bacteria
Researchers at the University of Alberta have taken an important step in understanding the immune system of bacteria, a finding that could have implic...

May 16, 2011
The Earth’s core is melting…and freezing
The inner core of the Earth is simultaneously melting and freezing due to circulation of heat in the overlying rocky mantle, according to new research...

May 16, 2011
University of Sydney expert developing next generation biofuels
The University of Sydney's Professor Thomas Maschmeyer is behind cutting edge research that could fuel the aviation industry from sustainable energy s...

May 16, 2011
Sporadic mutations identified in children with autism spectrum disorders
Scientists at the UW Department of Genome Sciences have identified several sporadic or “de novo” genetic mutations in children with autism spectru...

May 13, 2011
Scientists design new anti-flu virus proteins using computational methods
A research article May 12 in Science demonstrates the use of computational methods to design new antiviral proteins not found in nature, but capable o...

May 11, 2011
No safety in numbers for moths and butterflies
Scientists at the University of Leeds are to investigate how lethal viruses attack differently sized populations of moths and butterflies in research ...