WUN Annual General Meeting 2024
The WUN AGM 2024 website is now open. On the AGM website you can: Register for the conference Book your accommodation at the official conference hotel Consult the draft program Find

Replay: ECR Virtual Networking Workshop Sessions on SDGs 5, 8 and 15
WUN recently held three networking workshops in its special series for early career researcher (ECR) entitled “Developing the next generation of research leaders for sustainable development.” This initiative is intended

Replay: WUN ECR Networking Workshop on Sustainable Cities and Communities
The Worldwide Universities Network recently held the third in its special program series of networking workshops for early career researchers (ECR) on the theme of Developing the next generation of research

WUN research group organises International Conference on Gender and (Im)mobility in Uncertain Times
The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) researcher Professor Jing Song will hold an international conference on 11-12 March 2021 as part of her WUN interdisciplinary research group ‘Women’s Mobility: Negotiating

International Symposium on Digital Health 2020
SUMMARY Digital infrastructures and the data they can harness are opening up new possibilities for health care. The potential benefits are extremely wide-ranging, and with digital health technologies developing so

Register now for inVIVO’s 9th annual conference
WUN is delighted to share details of the upcoming inVIVO Planetary Health 9th annual conference. Please vist this link for information on their program, and to register. inVIVO Planetary Health provides an integrative systems framework