Jun 23, 2022
Join us for a workshop on climate change: Reaching blue skies for a sustainable future
The WUN research consortium “Addressing the impact of heatwaves and drought on food security” led by Dr Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso from the University of Leeds is organising a hybrid workshop that

Jun 20, 2022
WUN Virtual Summer School at NCKU: Act for Sustainability
What does algae have to do with water quality? How can cities become more sustainable? Students can learn the answers to these questions, and much more, at the 2022 Worldwide

Jun 06, 2022
WUN welcomes new member Ruhr University Bochum
We are delighted to announce that Ruhr University Bochum has joined the Worldwide Universities Network. WUN warmly welcomes Rector Martin Paul and colleagues as partners. “Ruhr University Bochum brings valuable new