General Enquiries
For more information on WUN, enquiries can be directed to
WUN Company Office: Nexus, Discovery Way, University of Leeds, Leeds, England, LS2 3AA
Coordinators Group
Each WUN member university appoints an administrator to manage the implementation of WUN programs on campus and to serve as the main contact point for network initiatives. This group shares information on collaborative opportunities and develops WUN’s research programs.
Your local WUN Coordinator should be your first point of contact for information on WUN including the WUN Research Development Fund (RDF), an annual competitive fund aimed at bringing together researchers to undertake innovative, high quality, sustainable research that addresses global challenges.
Chair: Dr John Bell, The University of Alberta
Dr John Bell, The University of Alberta
Mr Jonathan Harvey, The University of Auckland
Ms Jo Brooks, University of Bristol
Ms Wilna Venter, University of Cape Town
Ms Shally Fan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Professor Peter Clack, University of Exeter
Professor David Dodoo-Arhin, University of Ghana
Ms Isis Kowaliauskas, Griffith University
Dr Denis Dafflon, University of Lausanne
Ms Siddeequah Azmi, University of Leeds
Mr Han Aarts, Maastricht University
Ms Tassanaporn Hongyon, Mahidol University
Professor John Mango Magero, Makerere University
Ms Flavia Souza, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Dr Neil Hernandez, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Ms Ellen Hsueh, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
Ms June-Rose Ngcobo, University of Pretoria
Ms He Xujiao, Renmin University of China
Mrs Megan Bennett-Spears, University of Rochester
Ms Monika Sprung, Ruhr University Bochum
Ms Danielle Bertrand, The University of Sheffield
Mr Innes Ireland, University of Technology Sydney
Associate Professor Kazuaki Ota, University of Tsukuba
Ms Elisha Witcomb, University of York