Global comparison of Clinical Practice Strategies (CliPS) in Juvenile Inflammatory Diseases (JIR) attracts major funding
The JIR network is an international network of specialists taking care of patients with Juvenile Inflammatory Disease. The network was created in 2013 by a group of paediatric rheumatologists from

WUN-supported project “Mesh WiFi-based In-Home Health Monitoring System for Older Adults” gains traction
A team of researchers led by Professor He Chen from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has developed a Mesh WiFi-based In-Home Health Monitoring System for Older Adults with

Stinky seaweed blooms: Turning an ecological risk into an opportunity
Photo by Thor Tryggvason on Unsplash The University of Southampton published this story on the SARCAP project. The Southampton-led research project –funded through the WUN Research Development Fund (2021 round)