CUHK Conducts World’s Largest Study on Epidemiology of NAFLD in Diabetic Patients
CUHK has conducted the world’s largest study that examines the prevalence and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in diabetic patients, in order to determine whether screening should be recommended.

WUN facilitates closer cooperation between University of Bristol and Chinese University of Hong Kong
A delegation of senior academics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) led by Professor Steven Ngai (Departmental Chairperson) from the Department of Social Work, made an important visit

CUHK Recommends Best Practices and Strategies for Low-carbon Urban Transport System
The Institute of Future Cities at CUHK has conducted a comprehensive research on low-carbon transport practices and policies with the objective of formulating a strategy for Hong Kong’s future low-carbon transport system initiatives.