Academic Advisory Group
The Academic Advisory Group is responsible for overseeing the academic portfolio of the network and advising the Partnership Board on strategic direction. It is made up senior university officials, usually at the level of Vice-President or Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for the research or internationalisation priorities of the member universities. It is the task of this group to draw the threads from individual member universities together to nurture a potent research agenda tackling issues of global importance.
Chair: Professor Mai-Har Sham, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. David Bressler, Chief Strategy Officer – International and Enterprise, University of Alberta
Professor Frank Bloomfield, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), The University of Auckland
Professor Michele Acuto, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement), University of Bristol
Professor Jeff Murugan, Acting Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research and Internationalisation, University of Cape Town
Professor Richard Follett, Vice President (Global Engagement), University of Exeter
Professor Felix Ankomah Asante, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Ghana
Professor Sarah Todd, Vice President (Global), Griffith University
Professor Estelle Doudet, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Lausanne
Professor Nick Plant, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, University of Leeds
Professor Dr Gaby Odekerken – Schröder, Vice-Dean Internationalisation and Collaboration, Maastricht University
Professor Nopraenue Sajjarax Dhirathiti, Vice President for Global Partnerships and University Council, Mahidol University
Professor Mukadasi Buyinza, Academic Registrar, Acting First Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Makerere University
Professor Aziz Saliba, Dean of International Affairs, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Professor Neil Hernández-Gress, Director of Research, Tecnológico de Monterrey
Professor Woei-Jer Chuang, Executive Vice President, National Cheng Kung University
Professor BT (Sunil) Maharaj, Vice Principal: Research, Innovation and PG Education, University of Pretoria
TBA, Renmin University of China
Dr Jane Gatewood, Associate Provost for Global Engagement, University of Rochester
Professor Dr Günther Meschke, Vice-Rector for Research and Transfer, Ruhr University Bochum
Professor Robert Mokaya, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, The University of Sheffield
Professor Iain Watt, Deputy Vice-Chancellor & Vice-President (International), University of Technology Sydney
Professor Yasuteru Shigeta, Vice-President and Executive Director for Research, University of Tsukuba
Professor Matthias Ruth, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research, University of York