We are delighted to announce that Ruhr University Bochum has joined the Worldwide Universities Network. WUN warmly welcomes Rector Martin Paul and colleagues as partners. “Ruhr University Bochum brings valuable new strengths to the network, and enlarges WUN’s capacity for collaborative research on problems of central importance,” said Executive Director Peter Lennie.
Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) is one of Germany´s leading research universities. As a comprehensive university with 21 faculties, it brings together 43,000 students and 3,600 doctoral researchers from more than 130 countries in approximately 200 study programs.
RUB hosts two Clusters of Excellence (Solvation Science/IT-Security), a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on EU-ASIA-Connectivity and nine interdisciplinary research departments, such as Closed Carbon Cycle Economy, Industry 4.0, and NeuroMind. The Research Alliance Ruhr includes four research clusters, including One Health and Future Energy Materials. As part of the European University of Post-Industrial Cities (UNIC), RUB engages in innovative research on sustainable transitions of post-industrial cities in an alliance with seven leading universities across Europe.
RUB is deeply committed to sustainable development and to creating knowledge networks. Joining WUN is seen as a critically important milestone in fulfilling their mission as a socially responsible European Network University with a global engagement.
“Being familiar with WUN, I believe that our membership will be highly valuable and mutually beneficial as we will jointly engage with like-minded partner universities focusing on societally relevant research and together promote the next generation of globally engaged scholars.” (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Paul, Rector of Ruhr University Bochum).