The University of Auckland has become the only New Zealand member of the Worldwide Universities Network, a network of leading universities focused on international research collaboration.
At its annual meeting which was held in Washington DC, the chair of WUN, Mark Emmert, President of the University of Washington (Seattle) expressed his pleasure at Auckland’s commitment to the network.
The Worldwide Universities Network is a group of leading research universities committed to bringing their collective capability to bear on some of the major issues facing humankind. In addition, WUN has member universities with which Auckland already has strong bilateral ties or with which it wishes to grow them.
Membership of WUN complements Auckland’s membership of two other international university networks.
Universitas 21 has prioritised as its main focus innovation in teaching and learning, benchmarking academic and administrative practices and student mobility. The Association of Pacific Rim Universities, whose annual Presidents’ meeting Auckland will host in early July, has a strategic focus on networking, student exchange and research in the Asia-Pacific region.
Vice-Chancellor Stuart McCutcheon said that membership of WUN will promote international research collaboration on issues of global significance while also enabling access to international research funding.
WUN now has 16 member universities from across four continents. See the Members' section of the WUN website to find out more.
The Chief Executive of the Worldwide Universities’ Network (WUN), Professor John Hearn, is also Deputy Vice-Chancellor (International) of Sydney University and was previously DVC (Research) at ANU.
Bill Williams, Senior Communications Adviser
- (09) 923-7698
- (027) 248-0253