Image: United Nations
The University of Bergen visited the High-level Political Forum at the United Nations in July to strengthen the science-policy advice in the approaches to and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The University of Bergen delgation consisted of Professor Edvard Hviding, Professor Tore Furevik, Professor Tor Halvorsen, Professor Kikki Kleven and Communications Officer Mr. Sverre O. Drønen.
In the side event “Partnerships for Climate Action: the Science-Policy Nexus” hosted by the Mission of Palau, St. Lucia, Fiji and Norway to the United Nations, the University of Bergen professor Edvard Hviding asked “How can the academic community become more engaged partners in the 2030 Agenda?”, setting the tone for the side event.
Professor Edvard Hviding is Scientific Director of SDG Bergen Science Advice and was invited by Palau´s Amabassador to the UN, Ms. Ngedikes Olai Uludong, to join the official delegation of Palau to the HLPF meeting in New York.
Chief of the Policy & Analysis Branch of UN DESA, Dr. Shantanu Mukherjee, said in his closing statement of the side event that “Science is not negotialbe, but it can be ignored”. He warned gainst silo-thinking in the academic community or to ignore inustry interests and attitudes in society at large.