Mar 02 2023 | Posted by wun

ReMiE Project: Enhancing the research capacities of academics and PhD students in the field of education


This project aims to understand the challenges in using, teaching and learning research methodologies in the field of education across WUN universities, and to address some of these challenges by equipping academics and students in the field of education with knowledge and understanding about research methodologies that may be possible to conduct in their unique teaching and research environments.

Since its start, the ReMie project developed a range of resources to support academics and PhD students in using, teaching, and learning research methodologies.

ReMie continues to equip academics with research methodologies to implement within their own research and that of their students, build a network of expertise in methods and methods teaching in WUN, and transform the content of their research methodologies curricula.

Work Packages

  • A cross-national mixed-methods survey on academics and PhD students across different fields in higher education
  • A series of research methodology virtual workshops for academics in education
  • A face-to-face workshop on research methodologies for University of York’s PhD students in education

Resources associated with all three work packages can be found here.

View the webinar series directly:

  1. Challenges and solutions to using and teaching research methodologies in education

    View the slides here.

  2. Engaging in school partnership research

    View the slides here.

  3. Technological innovations and opportunities in educational research

View the slides here.

WUN invests in international research collaboration

WUN re-invests a significant proportion of its membership subscriptions to foster international collaborative research. The Research Development Fund (RDF) is an annual competitive fund aimed at bringing together researchers to undertake innovative, high quality, sustainable research that addresses global challenges. Please visit the Research page to view the complete WUN research portfolio