Professor Martin Trethewey, the Arthur L. Glenn Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Penn State University, has been appointed to the WUN Academic Advisory Group (AAG).
Professor Trethewey will take over the role of developing the WUN program at PSU and represent the university on the AAG. He takes over the role from Peter Schiffer, who was former Chair of the AAG and is moving on from Penn State.
Trethewey is also Professor-in-Charge of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Programs at PSU. He has a distinguished track record in teaching and research and is a recognised expert in signal processing, noise control and structural modelling. He has a long history with Penn State, serving as a member of faculty for 30 years.
WUN Chief Executive John Hearn welcomed the appointment, saying: “Penn State is a valued partner of WUN and one of our founding members. It has played an active role in the network and we look forward to working with Martin Trethewey and his team to build even closer links.”
“I would like to thank Professor Schiffer for his service and leadership to the WUN. It is a pleasure and honor to assume the AAG role within Penn State for the World Universities Network. I look forward to working with the partner universities to advance the WUN mission and connectivity within Penn State”, said Professor Trethewey.