The United Nations-led initiative “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” sets out 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the Post 2015 Development Agenda. Key to these objectives are the eradication of poverty and hunger, improving health and well-being, and responsible production, with the over-arching requirement for these to be sustainable.
This workshop addresses how sustainable livestock production is a key to the development agenda, and the new ways governments and non-governmental organisations are addressing these global challenges. Delegates will review current developments in sustainable livestock production, the progress of the Global Farm Platform (which began its life as a WUN initiative) and its satellite initiatives, and explore future research opportunities in light of the changing funding landscape both in the UK and Internationally.
The workshop is being convened by the University of Bristol’s Professor Mark Eisler and will be held at the University Literary Club in Bristol, UK, between 18 and 20 September. The programme is being finalised and more details will follow shortly.