Apr 24 2013 | Posted by wun

The 8th Conference on Global Health and Vaccination Research in Bergen, Norway

The conference will present Norwegian and international implementation- and health systems research. The key question at the conference is how to improve health service delivery in low and middle-income countries. The conference aims at bringing together Norwegian and international researchers, students, health professionals, policy makers, representatives from biotech, and others with an interest in global health. Several prominent speakers from Africa, Asia, Europe and the US have been invited.

Among the prominent speakers is Professor Halvor Sommerfelt at the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, The University of Bergen. Professor Sommerfelt is also the leader of the Centre for Intervention Science in Maternal and Child Health that was awarded status as Centre of Excellence by the Research Council of Norway in 2013.

Another prominent speaker is Professor Irene Akua Agyepong who has currently moved to the School of Public Health of the University of Ghana and is the newly elected chair of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group (STAC) of the Alliance for Health Policy and System Research in the WHO.

Read more about the conference here

See attachment for preliminary conference programme.