The higher education sector is rapidly evolving as a result of new technologies and globalisation. WUN universities continue to innovate, using these new technologies to expand their offerings and global reach. The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is one such technology, allowing students from around the world to access world-class expertise from anywhere at any time. Below are eight free MOOCs, offered by WUN universities, beginning over the coming months.
Data to Insight: An Introduction to Data Analysis – Begins 19 October
University of Auckland
Organisations around the world are collecting more data than ever. They are talking about big data, data science, business intelligence, analytics, data mining and data visualisation, and there’s an urgent need for people with the data skills to understand, interpret and communicate this information. Data to Insight provides an introduction to statistical data analysis for those new to the subject as well as those wanting a reminder and a fresh perspective. Learn more
Exploring Possible Futures: Modeling in Environmental and Energy Economics – Begins 19 October
University of Basel
What will efficient cities look like in future? How do humans contribute to climate change? Is a completely renewable energy supply possible? To explore our possible futures, we need models. In this free online course, you’ll learn how to develop and use models in environmental economics and energy economics, covering both conceptual aspects and numerical modeling. Learn more
Causes of Climate Change – Begins 21 September
University of Bergen
Through this course, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the complexities of the climate system, and be able to put the recently observed, man-made changes in climate in the context of past natural changes. We will focus on explaining the main external forcing mechanisms that can contribute to changing the global energy budget and initiate climate variations. We will also describe the important role of internal feedback mechanisms and the energy transport in the atmosphere and ocean, in order to understand regional variations in climate. Learn more
Cultural Studies and Modern Languages: an Introduction – Begins 12 October
University of Bristol
Are you interested in other countries? Do you want to study and understand other cultures? This free online course will take you on a journey through a number of periods from the medieval to the modern day, from Russia to Europe and all the way to Latin America. Together we’ll explore eight countries by looking at some of the slogans, books, monuments and images which emerged from them over different historical periods. Learn more
Medicine and the Arts: Humanising Healthcare – Begins 21 September
University of Cape Town
This free online course will explore the intersection of medicine, medical anthropology and the creative arts. Through each of its six weeks, we’ll visit a new aspect of human life and consider it from the perspectives of people working in health sciences, social sciences and the arts. The course will introduce you to the emerging field of medical humanities and the concept of whole person care. Together, we’ll question our propensity to separate the body from the mind in healthcare, consider what defines humanity, and share points of connection and difference between art and medicine. Learn more
Fairness and Nature: When Worlds Collide – Begins 19 October
University of Leeds
This course is about making difficult decisions on the management of natural resources. Different people place different values on nature. For example, some see it as something we should conserve for future generations, others as a resource of financial value to be exploited. Policies about managing nature should be economically and environmentally sound, but they also need to be formulated with social fairness if they are to be sustainable. Inevitably, when there are so many different values, conflicts occur and worlds collide. Learn more
Problem-Based Learning: Principles and Design – Begins 5 October
Maastricht University
Are you a teacher, a course designer or a manager in education? Are you fed up with big lecture halls and passive students? Do you think students should be challenged instead of bored? Immerse yourself in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and learn how to put your students at the centre of learning. In this course you will learn about PBL by doing PBL. After studying the basics, you can choose one of three tracks to your liking: the role of the tutor; designing problems and courses; and assessment and organisational aspects. Learn more
Crime, Justice and Society – Begins 12 October
University of Sheffield
Through this free online course you’ll develop an understanding of, and critical perspective on, the role of the state in the regulation of criminal behaviour and the key parts played by those involved in the criminal justice system. Together, we’ll explore key themes of classic criminological research, contemporary debates on criminal justice institutions and processes, and international developments in policy and practice. Learn more
Understanding Language: Learning and Teaching – Begins 19 October
University of Southampton
What is language? How do we learn meaning in a new language? What is easy and hard about learning another language? And what is the best way to teach other languages? This free online course suggests some answers to these questions. Over four weeks, it will introduce you to some of the latest ideas in research and practice in language learning and teaching. Learn more