Congratulations to the DREAMS Network including Associate Professor Annette Mercer from the University of Western Australia, Dr Carolyn MacCann from the School of Psychology at the University of Sydney and Associate Professors Deborah O’Mara and Chris Roberts from Sydney Medical School on a successful workshop on “Situational Judgement Tests Best Practice Program” held on 24th and 25th July.
The University of Sydney hosted this workshop on designing situational judgment tests to widen access to the profession of medicine. The workshop involved visiting academics from the UK, South Africa, the United Nations and speakers from the University of Sydney and Monash University, with 38 participants from Australian and NZ medical and dental schools, medical colleges and other educational institutions. See programme.
The workshop is part of the activities of the Worldwide Universities Network Project “Developing and Researching the Economics and Mathematics of Selection (DREAMS) that brings together a network of international experts from health economics, education, the mathematical sciences and organisational psychology via a series of workshops and networking initiatives.
This project was funded via the WUN Research Development Fund (RDF) in 2016, with matched funding from participating WUN universities: University of York, University of Leeds, University of Western Australia, University of Sydney and University of Cape Town.
The WUN Research Development Fund (RDF) offers grants of up to £10,000 to foster partnership in the network and support research collaborations. Applications are currently open until 28 October 2017, further details can be found here.
Applications should only be submitted after carefully reading the Guidelines and consulting your local WUN Coordinator.