Ann Singleton (University of Bristol) will address the International Forum on Migration Data Statistics (IFMS) which is to be held in Paris on 15 and 16 January 2018. Ann will speak in one of the parallel sessions and promote the Global Migration Group Handbook, which she edited and which has recently been published online. These activities will feed into the WUN-IOM Summer School on Migration Data for Policy, which will be held in Bristol in July 2018. This first Summer School on migration data for policy is being organised in the framework of the Worldwide Universities Network – IOM Strategic Alliance and will harness WUN’s research strength in migration. Ann leads the Migration, Development and Global Transformations international research group which is one of the pillars of the WUN-IOM alliance, along with a new scheme which will see UoB postgraduates interning at the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (IOM-GMDAC) in Berlin.
You can see a brief video of Ann Singleton explaining the importance of IFMS here.