Renmin University School of Marxism in Beijing held a high level international conference on “China’s Path in International Relations” at the end of June 2015. The purpose was to explore and develop the scholarly and practical concepts of “One Belt One Road” as articulated by President Xi Jinping. WUN Executive Director, Professor John Hearn, and WUN China Manager, Associate Professor Grace Liu, were among international speakers from Canada, USA, Russia and Europe invited to present papers. They presented their papers on “Higher education and research diplomacy” and “Traditional culture and values in international relations”.
In speaking about WUN and the WUN Global China Group, whose objective is to facilitate two-way international understanding of China, Professor Hearn said: “We can build international understanding of China in the world through deeper considerations of scholarly concepts and practical actions. This is a two way exchange, best explored in a search for synergy rather than division, although unity is not essential and diversity is often desirable.”
The proceedings of the conference will be published, and a follow up conference is likely in 2016.