Nov 01 2016 | Posted by wun

Hidden Migration Symposium in Bristol, 9-10 March 2017

The University is pleased to be hosting an international research symposium in association with partners in WUN universities, with WUN + partners and with the International Organization for Migration’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (IOM GMDAC), on March 9-10, 2017. The symposium, ‘Hidden Migration and Data for Sustainable Development Goals Monitoring’, will draw together experts from the WUN Research Development Fund (RDF) project ‘Migration, Development and Global Transformation‘, which is led by the School for Policy Studies’ Ann Singleton. Papers include contributions from IOM experts, members of the University of Bristol’s Migration Research Group, leading NGOs, business partners and civil society. In addition to the formal symposium proceedings (including  panels planned on migration and the Sustainable Ddevelopment Goals, health and migration, migration and older people) as well as plenaries, side events, and a final roundtable) and the first chance for some members of the RDF group to meet in person, there will be opportunities to build contacts, develop a platform for research funding bids and to initiate papers for special issues of migration journals. 

The programme and further particulars can be found here. Places are limited so for more information and to register, please contact