Ageing of the world population brought about recognition of active ageing as a right within health and social policy. However, addressing quality of life of older adults for whom care institutions are their last home (by choice or because they have no other option) remains challenging. Residential care settings often claim provision of person-centred care and meaningful engagement with little evidence or deep understanding.
Vulnerable older persons living in residential care, especially those with advanced dementia and from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, would score very low on indicators of active ageing and are prone to loneliness, helplessness and boredom. Pressure on care staff due to statutory regulations contrasted by demands of person-centred care often result in physical care practices only, rather than facilitating all opportunities for meaningful engagement of residents.
Additionally, worldwide migration is increasing and older migrants experience particular issues when ageing. Cultural and language differences become really important when older people require care. Cultural sensitivity within care settings often do not even extend to incorporating preferences for food, clothing and communication, and cultural identities are easily lost. Research to explore and potentially address these challenges may exaggerate obstacles as it further imposes on staff demands (e.g. completing questionnaires) or invades residents’ privacy with probing questions or other regimes of inquiry.
By utilising appreciative inquiry (AI) as part of a scheduled organizational development activity, positive strategies for exploring meaningful engagement of CALD individuals is targeted. Unlike traditional problem solving that wants to identify and analyze problems in systems and relationships, AI seeks to appreciate and envision possibilities within systems and relationships. This project aims to source philosophies of care supporting meaningful engagement of diverse populations of older adults living in care settings. Contributions from the various partners would ensure uncovering solutions and similarities to promote the well-being of fragile and vulnerable adults across nations.
Selected outcomes
- Hosted workshop in 9 December 2019 in collaboration with Red Cross as outcome to associated WUN Sustainability Grant (2018); Workshop – The GENIE tool: a practical training workshop examining loneliness
- Presence, awareness and knowledge translation of strategies to facilitate meaningful engagement of residents with dementia living within diverse cultural contexts in care settings (including persons with advanced dementia) through national and international conference presentations.
- Research dissemination at conferences – papers presented at Ageing and New Media Symposium (Perth, Australia), COTEC-ENOTHE (Dublin, Ireland), International Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing Conference (Auckland, New Zealand), Pioneer Network Conference (Chicago, USA), At least 5 scientific publications on facility specific strategies for promoting meaningful engagement of culturally diverse residents – country specific.
- Peer reviewed journal publications to date: Du Toit, SHJ & Buchanan, H. (2018). Embracing cultural diversity – meaningful engagement for residents. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Volume 73, Issue 1 (in press)
- At least 5 scientific publications on facility specific strategies for promoting meaningful engagement of culturally diverse residents – country specific.
- A joint publication that explore philosophies of care for promoting meaningful engagement of diverse populations of older adults living in care settings within a global context – high impact international journal.
- Suggested policy changes for the Eden Alternative as an international care organisation.
- A joint grant proposal with collaborators to advance preliminary findings – e.g. from Alzheimer’s International.
- Du Toit, S.H.J., Baldassar, L., Raber, C., Millard, A.M., Etherton-Beer, C.D., Buchanan, H.A., Du Toit, D.S., Collier, L.J., Cheung, G., Peri, K., Webb, E.A., Lovarini, MP. (2019). Embracing cultural diversity – engaging leadership to champion meaningful engagement for residents with advanced dementia. Addressing reviewers’ comments for The Journal of Cross−Cultural Gerontology DOI10.1007/s10823-019-09387-3