Dear WUN colleagues,
As you know we are currently searching for a new Executive Director as successor of Professor John Hearn who will step down on 31 July, 2018. As the Steering Committee has decided to look primarily for candidates from within the Network universities, I would like to ask you to actively promote the position internally and nominate/recommend suitable candidates. We have extended the deadline for feedback on this to 28 February and applications/nominations and inquiries should be sent directly to me as Chair of the Partnership Board (m.paul@maastrichtuniversity.nl).
Below you will find the extended job advertisement for your information. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Dr Mike Hasenmueller with any questions.
With very best wishes,
Professor dr. Martin Paul
Chair, WUN Partnership Board and President, Maastricht University
The Worldwide Universities Network is a team of 23 universities on 6 continents, with 90 research programs and over 2000 researchers. WUN explores solutions to four major Global Challenges: Responding to Climate Change, Higher Education and Research, Public Health in Non Communicable Disease, and Understanding Cultures. See this page for full details of all programs.
Priorities include creating international opportunities for early career and established researchers, and impact on international policy development.
We are searching for an Executive Director who can continue strong and inspiring leadership and management of the Network. The Executive Director is a member of the WUN Partnership Board, reporting to the Chair, Professor Martin Paul (Maastricht University) with the WUN global steering group.
The current Executive Director Professor John Hearn (Sydney University) will complete his service on 31 July 2018, having served since 1 July 2009, to take up new appointments. He will assist the Board and new Executive Director in a seamless transfer and transition. The current support team in Sydney will also complete its service, with their duties transferred to the new team and location.
As a first step in the search, we are calling now for expressions of interest from leading individuals who are internal or associated with WUN. Please send (i) a cover statement addressing the opportunity and the criteria below; (ii) curriculum vitae and publications list.
The expression of interest should be sent to the Chair, Professor Martin Paul, by 28 February 2018. A shortlist will be identified before 15 April, with interviews arranged in May.
While this is a genuinely open, international search to identify and appoint the most compelling leader and team builder for the coming years, we expect the successful candidate to have the following attributes:
- International reputation with a proven record in leadership and administration of academic institutions and teams in higher education and research.
- Strong personal academic record in research, education and management at national and international levels.
- Global connections in university, government, international agencies, foundations and business.
- Ability to work as a team leader, builder and player with Partnership Board members and other WUN leaders and members to deliver success.
- Creative and substantive potential to attract resources (people, infrastructure, funds) through alignment and application to the relevant agencies.
Please note this request for expressions of interest by 28 February 2018, and forward to colleagues who you consider can meet the criteria. Applications should be sent to Professor dr. Martin Paul, WUN Partnership Board Chair and President, Maastricht University: m.paul@maastrichtuniversity.nl