Professor Hai-Sui Yu has been appointed as the University of Leeds’ first Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International).
In the new role he will lead the University’s international strategy – helping to boost Leeds’ global profile and standing, while generating research and educational opportunities with overseas partners.
Professor Yu is a distinguished geotechnical engineer and will also hold the role of Professor of Geotechnical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.
Professor Yu is currently Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Engagement) and Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Nottingham, where he has overall responsibility for the University’s international and global engagement strategy.
University of Leeds Vice-Chancellor Sir Alan Langlands said: “This appointment is a real coup for the University; Professor Yu is a renowned leader and innovator.
“Building our international reach, reputation and relevance is at the heart of our strategy for Leeds. This new role and the connections, influence and experience Professor Yu brings to it, will help us do just that. I can’t wait to start working with him.”
Professor Yu said: “I am thrilled to be joining Leeds at this pivotal time, as it delivers an ambitious Strategic Plan with an acute global focus.
“I believe the key to developing a compelling international strategy is to support world-class individual collaborations and build strategic institutional and corporate partnerships to enrich the student experience and create world-changing research and innovation.
“This will enable the University of Leeds to provide a research-led, international education and develop global graduates and citizens who are capable of addressing current and future global challenges.
“I am confident that, by working closely with colleagues and stakeholders, the skills and experience I have built up at Nottingham and elsewhere will enable me to take ‘International Leeds’ to a new level.”
Professor Yu was born and grew up in China. He studied at Imperial College, London and St Anne’s College, Oxford. He has previously served as Assistant Dean of Engineering for Research at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and as Head of the School of Civil Engineering and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Nottingham.
Throughout his academic career, he has also worked for various periods with many of the leading institutions in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, France, Austria, and Italy.
His teaching and research is in the field of geomechanics and geotechnical engineering, concerned with the design of geotechnical infrastructure and mitigation of natural hazards and disasters.
He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2011 for outstanding personal engineering achievement.
He will take up his appointment on 1 September 2016.
For further information
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