BREXIT and the International Higher Education Landscape – Strategies and Solutions to Sustain Knowledge Partnerships
The BREXIT Workshop was the first WUN initiative in the Brexit space. High-level delegates joined at the Maastricht University Campus Brussels for discussions on how to sustain international knowledge partnerships in the light of Brexit.
This summary distils the objectives, discussion and outcomes of the WUN “Bridges over BREXIT” Workshop, attended by 40 invited experts from universities, government, business, agencies and media.
- Dr Andreas Schleicher, Director, Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD
The value of integration for European higher education - Prof Luc Soete, Professor (former Rector Magnificus) University of Maastricht
BREXIT, Higher Education and Research: an economist perspective -
Prof Jo Ritzen, Former President Maastricht and Minister of Education Netherlands (represented by Prof Soete)
Brexit: how to control the damage by re-engaging in the Knowledge Union -
Ms Jessica Cole, Head of Policy, Russell Group of Universities
Continuing close cooperation on research & innovation after Brexit -
Prof John Wood, Director General, Association of Commonwealth Universities
Academic and Student Mobility Models after Brexit -
Prof John Hearn, Executive Director, WUN
Bridges over Borders
Thomas Jørgensen@Thomas_E_Jorgen
We need stronger institutional links to support European bottom-up #research collaboration says A George, @Bruneluni #wunbrexit
robert madelin@eurohumph
#WUNbrexit. Brexit agenda must NOT distract uni’s from broad and global challenge of making the 21st century entreprenurial uni.
Thomas Jørgensen@Thomas_E_Jorgen
Some facts about UK’s role in European #Research and student mobility #WUNBrexit
White Rose Brussels@WhiteRoseBxl
But the biggest ERC recipient would also be gone, leaving more € to go around the EU27? #WUNBrexit hashtag looks like one to watch today!
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