The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) – General Manager
The Worldwide Universities Network is searching for a General Manager with the ability and experience to administer the Network. The position is offered initially to those staff of network partners who wish to apply.
The General Manager reports to the Chief Executive and has responsibility for the efficient management of the WUN team and its business. This includes the Partnership Board, Academic Advisory Group, Coordinators and Global Challenge groups.
The principal duties include the implementation and administration of policies, programs and communications within and outside the organization. The GM will help to build the capacities of WUN as an innovative and responsive academic and business partnership; manage the budget and the research development fund; and ensure equity, accountability and transparency in all WUN activities.
Applications are invited in the first instance from staff of WUN Partner Universities who have a proven commitment and demonstrated engagement and service to the network, an ability to work harmoniously with all constituents in achieving quality and sustainability, and experience in diverse cultural settings. A tertiary degree is essential, and research or equivalent experience to PhD level and a second language are desirable.
The General Manager will be based in Sydney in order to ensure close teamwork, efficiency and economy in support of the Chief Executive. A competitive salary and a secondment to 30 December 2012 as an initial appointment are negotiable. Applications, addressing the selection criteria and attaching a curriculum vitae, should be sent to karen.mclaren@sydney.edu.auto arrive by close of Friday 9th September. An appointments committee will conduct interviews soon afterwards.