The Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) has announced the latest round of awardees in its Research Mobility Program (RMP). Sixteen young researchers from member institutions, including the University of Auckland, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the University of Leeds, will receive funding to spend a period of up to 3 months at other member institutions.
The program is designed to allow early-career researchers, including PhD students, to gain international experience and expand their professional networks. It also gives them access to expertise and facilities that may not be available at their home institution, while exposing them to ideas and cultures different from their own.
“Visiting Bristol was a great experience personally and professionally,” says Brendan Murphy, PhD student at the University of Rochester. “These research connections have broadened my perspectives, and when the time comes to leave Rochester, I will apply to post-doctorate positions in Bristol and other European universities.”
Executive Director John Hearn says the programme has been highly successful in breaking down the barriers to international academic mobility.
“WUN has sent several young researchers to member institutions to learn, collaborate and share expertise. In many cases, this has not only led to academic success, but future career opportunities,” says Hearn. “What it essentially serves as is a WUN passport that opens doors to international opportunities and experience”.
The program is not centrally run or funded through WUN, but is instead managed through each member institution. Home institutions provide funding for travel and accommodation, while host institutions waive any fees associated with the RMP visitor.
WUN has also created a Student Mobility Working Group to explore ways that the network can extend opportunities to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Among the options are expanded exchange programs, summer schools and blended learning programmes throughout the network.