Registration is now open for the upcoming WUN ECR Webinar Series session on Making authentic connections and building networks for career development.
Topic summary: Networking is commonly acknowledged to be an essential part of career development, whether in academic research or elsewhere. But for many researchers at the outset of their career, it’s a real challenge.
This short and highly interactive workshop will explore the benefits and techniques of networking for professional development, whether in academic research or elsewhere. Together, we will discuss what networking means for different people, how it works in different situations, and will try out some simple tools to help each participant develop an approach that fits them as an individual, not a cliché.
You’ll explore how to put your individual strengths to work in making connections, and share ideas on the opportunities we have to network for career development. You’ll also take a look at how to mitigate the impact of personal weaknesses, as well as what to do with the potential threats to your ability to network.
Our goal is to help each participant feel a little less unsure and a little more confident about their individual approach to reaching out and talking with others as they explore and prepare their next career steps.
Session led by: Dr Verity Elson, University of Lausanne, Switzerland